Day 3b - Saccharomyces cerevisiae pangenome graphs
Learning objectives
In this exercise you learn how to
- estimate sequence divergence,
- identify variants in the graph.
Getting started
Make sure you have pggb
and its tools installed.
Now create a directory to work on for this tutorial:
cd ~
mkdir day3_yeast
cd day3_yeast
Download 7 Saccharomyces cerevisiae assemblies (Yue et al., 2016) from the Yeast Population Reference Panel (YPRP) plus the SGD
mkdir assemblies
cd assemblies
wget -c
wget -c
wget -c
wget -c
wget -c
wget -c
wget -c
wget -c
Pangenome Sequence Naming
Rename the sequences according to the PanSN-spec specification, using fastix. The sequence names have to follow such a scheme:
Put all sequences in a single FASTA file called scerevisiae8.fasta
. Compress such a file with bgzip
and index it:
bgzip -@ 8 scerevisiae8.fasta
samtools faidx scerevisiae8.fasta.gz
Sequence divergence
exposes parameters that allow users to influence the structure of the graph that will represents the input sequences. In particular, reducing the mapping identity (-p
parameter) increases the sensitivity of the alignment, leading to more compressed graphs. It is recommended to change this parameter depending on how divergent are the input sequences.
Assuming we will work with one chromosome at a time, we estimate the sequence divergence for each set of chromosomes. To partition the sequences by chromosome, execute:
cut -f 1 scerevisiae8.fasta.gz.fai | cut -f 3 -d '#' | sort | uniq | while read CHROM; do
samtools faidx scerevisiae8.fasta.gz $(grep -P $"$CHROM\t" scerevisiae8.fasta.gz.fai | cut -f 1) | bgzip -@ 8 > $CHR_FASTA
echo "Generated $CHR_FASTA"
For each set of chromosomes, to estimate the distance of each input sequence to every other sequence in the set, we use mash. In particular, the mash triangle
command outputs a lower-triangular distance matrix. For example, to compute the distances between all mitochondrial sequences, execute:
mash triangle scerevisiae8.chrMT.fasta.gz -p 8 > scerevisiae8.chrMT.mash_triangle.txt
cat scerevisiae8.chrMT.mash_triangle.txt | column -t
The distance is between 0 (identical sequences) and 1. Which is the maximum divergence? Find the maximum divergence for all chromosomes.
From this analysis, chrVII, chrVIII, and chrXIII sets should show the higher sequence divergence, with maximum value of ~ 0.0639874. In general, we should set a mapping identity value lower than or equal to 100 - max_divergence * 100
. That is, to analyze such a dataset, we have to specify -p
lower than or equal to 93.60126
. However, in order to account for possible underestimates of sequence divergence, and medium/large structural variants leading locally to greater divergence, we can set an even smaller mapping identity, like -p 90
Pangenome graph building
Run pggb
on each chromosome separately (including the mitochondrial one, chrMT), calling variants with respect to the SGDref
assembly. For example, for chromosome 1, run:
cd ~/day3_yeast
mkdir -p graphs
pggb -i assemblies/scerevisiae8.chrI.fasta.gz -s 20000 -p 90 -n 8 -t 8 -G 7919,8069 -o graphs/scerevisiae8.chrI -V SGDref:#
The -V SGDref:#
parameter specify to call variants with respect to the path having as sample name SGDref
; the sample name is identified by using #
as separator (take a look at the PanSN-spec specification).
Counts the number of variants in the VCF file for each chromosomes. Which chromosome has the least named variants? Are there chromosomes on which 0 variants are called? If so, why? Hint: take a look at the alignments in the PAF file produced by pggb
(take a look at the PAF format specification too). Try to understand what is happing and how the problem can be solved.
Use odgi squeeze
to put all the graphs together in the same file. Try to visualize the graph layout of the squeezed graph (the graph just generated with all chromosomes together) with odgi layout
and odgi draw
Run pggb
on all chromosomes jointly, giving in input the scerevisiae8.fasta.gz
file. Call variants too with respect to the SGDref
sample. Take a look at the graph layout. Is the layout of the graph obtained by running pggb
separately on each chromosome (and then combining its results) similar to the graph obtained by running pggb
on all chromosomes jointly?
In the newly obtained VCF, count how many variants are called for each chromosome. Are these counts similar to those obtained by calling variants on each chromosome separately? Are there variants esclusive (that do not appear in the chromosome-based VCF files) to this new VCF file?
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