As an exercise on multiple regression, we will analyse the FEV dataset.

1 The FEV dataset

The FEV, which is an acronym for forced expiratory volume, is a measure of how much air a person can exhale (in liters) during a forced breath. In this dataset, the FEV of 606 children, between the ages of 6 and 17, were measured. The dataset also provides additional information on these children: their age, their height, their gender and, most importantly, whether the child is a smoker or a non-smoker.

2 Goal

The goal of this experiment was to find out if smoking has an effect on the FEV of children, accounting for potential confounders.

3 Load libraries and import the data

4 Data tidying

5 Data exploration

Visualize the effect of smoking on the FEV. In addition, assess all potential confounders.

6 Data analysis

7 Conclusion
