This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

S1E4 - How Learning Progresses


Teaching: 3 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What are the goals and intended learning outcomes of this session?

Learning outcomes
  • Get a clear understanding of the goals of this session and of the skil the learners are expected to acquire.

How does learning progress?

Bloom’s taxonomy

Bloom’s six categories of cognitive skills

Using Bloom’s taxonomy

Bloom’s taxonomy can be helpful in aligning the training with the learners’ level of thinking (complexity, experience, etc).

In practice, Bloom’s level of cognitive complexity can be used to:

Instruction design in five steps

Learning outcomes (LOs)

LOs (more accurately “desired LOs”) are statements of what you might (in principle) assess.

You may not end up assessing all of them, but they are statements of what a successful* student will know or be able to do at the end of instruction.

By the end of the lesson (session/course/instruction) the successful learner will be able to………

Writing learning outcomes using assessable verbs

  1. Think about what learners will be able to do by the end of instruction
  2. Use the sentence:
    • By the end of the lesson (session/course/instruction) the successful learner will be able to………
  3. Replace dots with a verb that you can assess (name, explain, solve, distinguish, etc.).
  4. Avoid verbs that are open to many interpretations: e.g., appreciate, have faith in, know, learn, understand, believe

Challenge: How do I write LOs?

  1. Think of a lesson/session you usually deliver
  2. Write one or more Learning Outcomes for the lesson/session
  3. Write to the GDoc the title of the lesson/session and the corresponding LO(s)

Key Points

  • Reflect upon concepts around learning, training and teaching.

  • Internalize and learn to mentally structure several ideas and concepts related to learning, training and teaching.