This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

S2E4 - From Lesson to Session Plan


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • What are the steps to designing a session of a course?

Learning outcomes
  • Know all the steps to designing a session of a course

Tools for session, course, curriculum design

  1. FIVE STEPS for session, course, curriculum design
  2. Lesson/session plan

Instruction design in five steps

Nicholls G (2002). Developing teaching and learning in higher education. London, UK: Routledge. Pp 51-75

lesson/session plan

Example - Plan for a 1h15 session

Time Activity Description Goal/Outcome
9.00-9.15 Warm-up Learners summarise the key points of each session from the previous day and answer questions from the audience. The instructor describes the plan of the day in detail. Retrieval from memory, repetition, get prepared for new topics, expose learners.
9.15-9.25 Lecture Pyhton functions. Learning to write a function, about function input and output.
9.20-10.00 Practical activity Two exercises to be solved in pairs on a single computer. After solving the first exercise, the "driver" and the "navigator" will swap. Two learners (one per exercise) will display their solutions to the audience. Questions and discussion. Learners will be able to write and call a function calculating the distance between two points in the 3D space and a function taking the base and height of a triangle as input and returning its area.
10.00-10.15 Wrap-up Group test on functions (match input and output with specific functions; fill gaps in pieces of code). Game: repetition using ball throwing Assess learning. do we need to work more on functions? Repeat meaning and usage of all Pyhton objects introduced so far.

Challenge: Create lesson plan

In your group…

  • Take one session idea and expand to a “real” training session
  • You will need to:
  • Identify target audience
  • Set learning objectives and outcomes
  • Decide learning experiences
  • Suggest how you will assess trainees progress
  • Define training session structure/lesson plan (including indicative content, length, breakdown and timings)

Key Points

  • Instruction design.

  • Lesson/session plan.