This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

S2E5 - From Lesson to Course Planning


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • What are the steps to designing a course?

Learning outcomes
  • Know all the steps to designing a course.

Delivery planning

From session to course – defining the aim

Chris Taylor – Earlham Institute

From learning outcomes to a course outline

Chris Taylor – Earlham Institute

Reproducibility of compute environments

Training rooms for bioinformatics

Physical environment 

Training materials: sharing and making re-use possible

Learning outcome: Be able to identify training materials that exist already, and develop a routine of sharing training materials.

FAIR principles

Data and models are:

FAIR principles – In the context of training

Training course materials: slides, exercises, datasets

Training materials repositories and resources


Design: Training materials: TeSS:

Adopt collaborative platforms to support training activities

Challenge: Apply (5 min)

Articulate a goal of good teaching practice that you are ready to apply for your next training

Key Points

  • Plan.

  • Define aims.

  • Reproducibility.

  • Training environment and materials.