This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

S3E6 - Strategies for Active, Interactive and Collaborative Learning


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • What strategies can a trainer apply?

Learning outcomes
  • Know how to apply strategies that induce engagement.

Active learning

Learners who actively engage with course materials will end up retaining it for much longer than they would have otherwise, and they will be better able to apply their knowledge broadly.

Waldrop, Nature 2015

Interactive learning

Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College (SERC):

Strategies for active, interactive, collaborative learning

Activities and attitudes the instructor should promote

Activities and attitudes the instructor should avoid or keep to a minimum

Technique - Wrap-up

Allow time for wrap up and feedback

Challenge 9

On the GDoc

One or more new things that you have learned today and could be useful for your future teaching/training

Challenge 10 - your vote counts

Add a + sign next to the point you agree the most

:D - Great I feel I’m learning new things
:] - I feel neutral, maybe I need more time to reflect
:S - I am more confused then ever

Technique - Short feedback

Challenge 11 - One up one down

  1. Something you liked about what you did (do this again!)
  2. Something you would like to change (avoid next time)

Key Points

  • Active learning.

  • Interactive learning.

  • Strategies.

  • Activities and attitudes to promote.

  • Activities and attitudes to minimize.

  • Wrap-up technique.

  • Short feecback technique.