S2E3 - Concept Maps
Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 10 minQuestions
How to design a mini-training?
Learning outcomes
Know how to mockup a course.
Concept map
Concept map - FAIR principles
Concept maps - How to use the tool
- Concept maps are graphical tools for organizing and representing knowledge
- Include concepts and relationships to link concepts
- Good to start a concept map with a focus question - context
- Help to organize knowledge and to structure it
- Good concept maps are built with iterations and feedback
Joseph D. Novak , 1972
Concept maps in curriculum/lesson/session planning
- They present key concepts in a highly concise manner
- This helps us predict how much we can cover when designing the teaching plan
- The hierarchical organization suggests a sequence to cover material
Further reading http://cmap.ihmc.us/Publications/ResearchPapers/TheoryUnderlyingConceptMaps.pdf
Challenge: Draw a concept map (10 min)
Draw a concept map of your topic of interest, start with a question
- Include around 7 (plus or minus 2) concepts
- Include relationships and cross-links between these concepts
- Arrange it in a hierarchical structure with the key concepts on top
Challenge: Feedback on concept maps (8 min)
In a group of 2 exchange concept maps. Do not explain the map.
- Write one thing you are confused/not sure about the map
- Write one thing you like/it is clear about the map
- Each person will give and receive two feedbacks:
- Positive and Negative on content
Challenge: Delivery planning (3 min)
- Think if you want to make your training interactive
- Think whether you need or want to use a visual support (images)
- Think whether you need to distribute material in advance to the audience
- Prepare for your choices
- Be creative!
Challenge: Prepare content (15 min)
You have 15 min to prepare the content of your mini-training The structure of your mini-training should be something like
- 40 seconds introduction
- 2 minutes on topic
- 20 seconds conclusion
Use your concept map and adapt as needed
Challenge: Mini-training practice (20 min)
Split into groups of 3
- Each will deliver their 3 minute session to the others
- One person delivers the session
- One person records on the phone (optional)
- One person notes down feedback in real-time
- You describe your own feedback (self-feedback) on your delivery
- The other two provide feedback to the presenter
- Then rotate within the group (and restart from 1)
How to give feedback?
Constructive feedback
- Listen actively and attentively
- Ask for clarification if you are confused
- Do not interrupt one another
- Challenge one another, but do so respectfully
- Criticize ideas, not people
- Do not offer opinions without supporting evidence
- Take responsibility for the quality of the discussion
- Build on one another ’s comments; work toward shared understanding.
- Do not monopolise discussion.
- Speak from your own experience, without generalizing.
- If you are offended by anything said during discussion, acknowledge it immediately.
Key Points
Concept map.
FAIR principles.