
A number of different libraries are needed for the course. You can install these packages as below.

cran.pkg <- c("devtools",
bioc.pkg <- c("msa","annotate")
rforge.pkg <- c("rcolgem")
github.pkg <- c("GuangchuangYu/ggtree")

The following will install the missing packages on your system. You will first need to set repositories to install from CRAN, the Bioconductor repositories, and R-Forge.

pkg <- c(cran.pkg,bioc.pkg,rforge.pkg) <- pkg[!(pkg %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
if(length( install.packages(

The ggtree library is on GitHub and so needs to be installed with a function from the devtools library.

for(gp in github.pkg){
  gpname <- strsplit(gp,"/",)[[1]][2]
  if(!(gpname %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])){