
  • The phangorn library in R contains functions to perform maximum likelihood based analyses of sequence data
    • While not the fastest program, it is very flexible
    • Can fit a wide variety of substitution models
  • For large-scale phylogenetic inference, there are specialised (external) software packages available
    • RAxML/ExaML
    • PhyML
    • IQTREE
  • As with alignment, we can use R to format the data, and call these external programs
  • There is also an interface to RAxML in the ips package


  • Takes data in a special format, phyDat
    • Sequences read in using ape are in DNAbin format
    • There is a convenience function called as.phyDat that can convert between them
  • Can compare between different models using modelTest
  • Can fit models (and trees) using pml


  • RAxML is one of the fastest, most accurate phylogeny reconstruction software packages available
  • It does not implement a wide variety of models, instead, it assumes a fairly complex one, which will probably be the best model if the dataset is variable enough


  • PhyML is slower than RAxML, but offers a wider variety of models
  • Also offers an interactive (text) interface


  • IQTREE is a fairly new phylogenetic software package
  • It does implement a variety of models, and includes model selection and a fast bootstrap-like procedure