Effective population size walkthrough

Load libraries


Fitting a 'skyride' model

Load tree.

tree <- read.tree("Vill1_lsd.tre")

For some datasets, one may have to tweak the branch lengths to avoid repeated sample times/coalescent times, and ensure the tree is strictly bifurcating.

tree <- multi2di(tree)
eps <- 0.001
tree$edge.length <- tree$edge.length+runif(1,-eps,eps)
tree$edge.length[tree$edge.length<0] <- eps

Fit skyride.

tree.sr <- calculate.skyride(tree)


plot(sr.median~time,data=tree.sr,xlab="Time since present",ylab=expression(N[e]),type="l",main="Village 1")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-6
Figure: plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-6

You may also want to plot time forwards rather than backwards.

plot(sr.median~I(-time),data=tree.sr,xlab="Time since present",ylab=expression(N[e]),type="l",main="Village 1")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-7
Figure: plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-7