

  • Methods that fit a model of molecular evolution to the sequence data are more computationally intensive, but typically show better performance than distance based methods

How many trees?

  • How many trees are possible with 12 sequences
  • [ ] 105
  • [ ] 10,295
  • [ ] 2,027,025
  • [x] 654,729,025

Maximum likelihood inference

  • The large number of trees makes it difficult to find the tree with the highest likelihood
  • Phylogeny programs have to use heuristic approaches to find the 'best' tree
    • Starting with an initial tree, make modifications and test whether they give a better tree or not
      • Nearest neighbour interchange
      • Subtree pruning and regrafting

Models of DNA evolution

  • Just like with distance based methods, we assume a model of sequence evolution
  • However, we can now test which is the 'best' model
  • We often don't need a good tree for this

Rate heterogeneity

  • In addition to assuming a model of how, for example, one nucleotide changes to another, we can also assume a model of how substitution rates overall vary across the sequence
    • Constrained regions e.g. those that are functionally important
    • Variable regions e.g. those under immune selection
  • Two sorts of models of rate heterogeneity
    • Gamma distribution (possibly with an additional invariant category)
    • Categorical

Balancing model fit and complexity

  • To choose a model, we have to balance model fit (likelihood) with complexity (number of parameters)
  • For non-nested models, two criteria are commonly used (lower is better)
  • BIC favours simpler models than AIC